PEEEC 2025 Speakers

Amjad Anvari-Moghaddam

Ph.D. in Power & Energy Systems, Associate Professor, AAU Energy, Associate Professor, The Faculty of Engineering and Science

He serves as the Vice-Chair of IEEE Denmark, Associate Editor of several leading journals such as the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Systems Journal, and e-Prime Elsevier. He is a member of Danish Standardization committee on Supply Systems for Electrical Energy (S-508) and IEC Standardization Working Group on Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Generation (8A). He has also been a technical committee member of several IEEE PES/IES/PELS and CIGRE working groups such as IEEE-CTSoc Consumer Power and Energy, IEEE-PES/SBLC WG P2418.5, CIGRE TOR C6.38, JWG C2/C5.06, and TOR C6.35.

He was awarded as the top 2% of Highly-Cited Scientists in the world (according to 2020-2022 Stanford University list) and was the recipient of 2020 DUO – India Fellowship Award, DANIDA Research Fellowship grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark in 2018 and 2021, IEEE-CS Outstanding Leadership Award 2018 (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada), and the 2017 IEEE-CS Outstanding Service Award (Exeter-UK).